Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore Founders of Moore Foundation also known as the "Grandfather & Grandmother of Homeschooling"
Moore Foundation is the homeschooling organization begun by Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore as a result of their research on education done in the late 1960's and early 70's. Major universities widely approve the resulting "Moore Formula" educational concept; Dr. Moore has been personally invited to share authorship on more than 35 university textbooks. Dorothy and Dr. Moore have authored many books of their own related to homeschooling.

Moore Foundation more recently known as Moore Academy is dedicated to assisting parents who wish to educate their children at home. Since that time, thousands of families have been guided in developing their children's learning skills-children who have gone out to excel in colleges across the nation. Now most colleges value homeschooled students for their exemplary character and high achievement. Others have found a place in the work place who could have become part of the "throw-away" generation of children, those whose achievement rate of learning was not equal to the social expectations in their early primary years.
Moore's contribution to education is best known for their emphasis on the philosophy that children, especially boys, need individualized attention, chiefly between the ages of 5 and 10. Even those with high intelligence have many times not reached IML (Integrated Maturity Level) at the same rate as their age mates. Moore Academy does not advocate that they should have no education while they are in this early maturing stage; however, a no-stress approach is urged, with much emphasis on social studies and science, arts and crafts, and music appreciation. We believe phonics can be taught, but without pressure to perform, and with an easy, fun approach that uses learning activities, followed by phonetic readers. Writing is another "pressure-point" that deserves care in instruction. Writing in cornmeal, or sand, sky writing, and lots of dictating to Mom helps to bridge the gap between ability and performance. Math is also taught with lots of hands-on manipulatives, and real-life applications.
To summarize the success of the Moore Formula approach to education: High success comes when close individual attention is paid to the needs of the student, following their interests and allowing them to mature at their own rate, with emphasis on work (for pay), and service (in the home and in the community) with these non-academic learning opportunities receiving equal time to book learning. As the children learn to be diligent in their work application, it has been demonstrated that this diligence caries over into their academic performance as well as they mature.

This was the last staff photo with Dr. Moore. It was taken in 2002 just shortly after losing his beloved Dorothy.
Helen Williams and Ellen Dana worked for Dr. Moore and helped from the very beginning at Hewitt Research in the mid 1980's prior to Moore Foundation being created in Camas, WA. Both of them continued consulting and helped to develop curriculum for the Moore's for many years. Dr. Geraldine Stites joined in the early 1990's as a consultant for special needs. Dr. Moore appointed Mrs. Williams as educational director when Dorothy passed in 2002. It was also about that time that educational consulting services were provided as Moore Academy while Moore Foundation was dedicated to research. Dr. Moore's daughter Kathy Moore-Kordenbrock acted as manager till Dr. Moore passed. Mrs. Dana lived and continued to work for several years beyond Dr. Moore until she passed away. Mrs. Williams and Dr. Stites continued working and were the remaining pillars. Dr. Moore sold Moore Academy to Chris Graham when he could no longer be involved. Since the passing of Dr. Moore, Moore Foundation & Academy staff continued to operate it. There are many more who have been a part through the years but were not in this picture including Chris Graham and Ida Ghramm . Mrs. Graham operated Moore Academy as part of Literary Expectations in Dufur, OR and kept it alive for nearly 15 years after Dr. Moore's passing in 2007. Due to extreme failing health, Mrs. Graham was forced with the decision of letting the academy die or passing on the torch. Mrs. Graham received Kathy's blessing and passed on the torch. Mrs. Graham passed away only a few months after finding previous staff to transfer it to. Dr. Stites then shortly retired due to failing health. Mrs. Williams continued as consultant and director for several more years till failing health forced her retirement. These dedicated consultants found it hard to stop educating the students and families they grew to love for so many years. Moore Academy is still operated by staff that worked with Dr. Moore in the late 90's and early 2000's. Moore Academy is also known as Moore Foundation LLC in the state of Idaho.
While a handful are now resting in Jesus, we hold them all the more dear because of the many years of unending devotion they invested in God's true education. Let their devotion mark the importance of this life's mission, to give you this opportunity to train up your child in the way they should go.
"Train up your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
May we all be faithful till we see them on resurrection morning!